Benefits Of Kola Nut and It Side Effect

The kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree (Cola acuminata and Cola nitida), which grows in West Africa. The trees, which grow to a height of 40 to 60 feet, yield star-shaped fruit. Each fruit contains between two to five kola nuts. This small, chestnut-sized fruit is high in caffeine. Here Benefits Of Kola Nut and It Side Effect

Kola nuts have a harsh taste when chewed fresh. When dried, the taste gets milder, and they are said to smell like nutmeg.

Forms and Uses

Kola nuts are a cultural mainstay in many West African cultures, valued for its ability to stimulate the central nervous system.

Kola nuts are sold in little mounds in every market, bus stop, and corner shop across West Africa. It is a valuable cash crop for impoverished rural farmers. Many individuals chew them every day to get their caffeine fix. Each nut has more caffeine than two big cups of American coffee.

In the West (the United States and Europe), kola nut extract is more common than the fresh nut. Kola extract is a typical culinary flavoring found in Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, and many other popular energy beverages.

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The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that kola nut is usually safe to consume. Kola nut extract is considered a natural culinary flavoring. The FDA has also approved kola extract as an inactive component in some medications.

Previously, kola extract was utilized in weight reduction medications and over-the-counter stimulants.

Kola nut extract is also sold as a natural supplement. The FDA does not normally regulate these supplements, but they may carry a caffeine warning. The American Herbal Products Association lists kola nut as one of the caffeine-containing substances that pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as those under the age of 18, should avoid.

Potential health benefits of kola nuts

Kola nut has long been associated with numerous health advantages. Kola nut is said to sweeten stale water, alleviate weariness, and relieve hunger. Most of these claims should be dismissed as folklore until proven differently.

While kola nuts may have health benefits, they have not been properly examined and confirmed. The majority of the benefits of kola nut are linked to its high caffeine concentration, which boosts energy and suppresses appetite.

There are other claims that it treats:

  • Infections
  • Skin disorders.
  • Ulcers
  • Toothaches
  • Morning sickness.
  • Intestinal illnesses
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Low sexual drive.
  • Coughs and asthma.
  • Dysentery
  • Constipation
  • Various eye issues.
Benefits Of Kola Nut and It Side Effect
Image by stockking on Freepik

Side Effects

Americans have a long history of drinking kola-based beverages with no negative health consequences. The kola nut is actually a seed extracted from a fruit, hence it is not linked to tree nut allergies.

Kola nut and kola nut extract have similar side effects as caffeine.

Caffeine has a variety of impacts on the body, including:

The effects of caffeine include stimulating the central nervous system, increasing urination to expel excess salt and water, causing heartburn and stomach upset, hindering calcium absorption, and raising blood pressure.

Most people can comfortably consume approximately 400 mg of caffeine per day. However, caffeine has varying effects on various people.

Energy drinks are not allowed to specify the caffeine concentration of botanical components, thus an energy drink containing kola nut extract could have significantly more caffeine than the label implies.

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Excess caffeine can have undesired side effects, such as:

  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Jitteriness and shakiness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid or abnormal heart rate.
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Dependency and withdrawal.

Too much caffeine can be harmful to one’s health, and it is more deadly when mixed with alcohol. Caffeine combined with alcohol confuses your brain into believing you’re less impaired than you are, which can lead to alcohol poisoning and drunk driving.


Kola nut and kola nut extract are widely regarded as safe by the FDA and other regulatory authorities throughout the world. Kola has been used as a food ingredient in the United States since the late 1800s, with little concerns. However, be aware of the caffeine concentration in kola supplements and kola-based energy drinks. Caffeine consumption in excess can be hazardous and cause unpleasant symptoms.

Although kola nuts do not contain as many nutrients as other nuts, they are nonetheless incredibly helpful. The primary active element in this nut is caffeine. This nut enhances metabolism, increases heart rate, boosts immunity, transports energy throughout the body, inhibits some types of cancer, aids in weight loss, and promotes eye health.

Kola Nut

The kola nut is named after the Cola tree genus and is native to Africa’s tropical rainforests. The cola plant, as the name implies, produced the cola drink. The kola nut tree contains caffeine, and in some cultures, it is seen as a worthy gift to tribal captains and chiefs. It is also utilized in everyday life, when people eat it alone or in groups. It has a shell that is peeled and discarded before eating the nut inside. Outside of Africa, the kola nut is primarily utilized as a flavoring ingredient. It was employed as a source of caffeine in the cola beverage.

Nutritional Value of Kola Nuts

One of the reasons why the kola nut is considered a healthy meal is due to its chemical composition. Even while it is not nutrient-dense in the usual sense, it does have a chemical composition that provides numerous short and long-term health benefits. Each kola nut contains around 2-3.5 percent caffeine and 1-2.5 percent theobromine. Additionally, it contains theophylline, phenolics such as phlobaphens, epicatechin, D-catechin, and tannic acid. It’s also high in sugar and water.

Prevents glaucoma by lowering eye pressure.

According to several studies, glaucoma is caused by an increase in pressure on the eye. A 0.5% extract of the Garcinia kola nut was utilized to make ocular drops for a research trial in Nigeria. The study found that this opthamolic solution lowered ocular pressure and was most effective when administered twice daily. While not everyone has access to this therapeutic treatment, the kola nut can be taken orally. Although the effect may not be focused, it does significantly enhance general eye health. It can ease eye strain caused by contemporary lifestyles and a lack of sufficient nourishment in our diets.

The main reason for this is that improving blood circulation to the brain has been shown to significantly increase cognition and concentration.

Boosts the immune system

The chemical components of kola can inhibit the growth of certain life-threatening germs in the body. In this approach, it can treat a variety of respiratory disorders, including bronchitis. Furthermore, it is proven to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis and meningitis.

Treats Prostate Cancer.

Kola nuts are high in phytoestrogens and Phyto androgens. Although study on this topic is still ongoing, several studies have indicated that these nuts assault prostate cancer cells and promote apoptosis, or cell death. This effect is being investigated for additional cancer types.

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